Myers Real Estate Services

Your Home: The Place Where You Make The Rules

My journey as a Realtor has been an evolution that has paralleled the changing frameworks of the way I see the world.  It is inevitable that anyone who is self aware seeks this path, and for me this has had everything to do with my faith based decisions.

During the course of my transitioning seasons of life under my parents roof to life away at college, we are all faced with the undeniable reality that as loved as we are, we are all alone in this world.  We are born into this world, not of our own choice.  We live and love and grow until the day we leave this world.  We die alone.  No one takes that journey with us.  How anyone can ignore the mystery of life and a life plan that is largely out of our control is ridiculous, in my opinion.  How you can go through life denying there is a master planner behind this experience is something I will never understand.  This sort of denial is death.  Hence, we seek life by seeking God.

It’s so ever popular in our age for culture to fight against the God of truth as revealed in the Bible.  Humanity can choose to submit or choose to fight, but choosing to fight against God, well, that’s just insidious.  I would say that it is the seed of evil at work.  Hearing people deny an absolute truth as declared in the Bible in exchange for “their” truth is sad, and it does not bear fruit.  People who hang every decision on discovering “their” truth suffer.

OK, Steve Myers, how does this apply to real estate?  What does this have to do with your home being the place you make the rules?  Here’s the short answer:

Culture and society screams at everyone in the world to follow their own truth, to not submit but to fight to be right.  Culture tries to tell us what to believe and hangs their hat on being politically correct, mainly in an attempt to quiet the voice of faith.  While it is wise and true to never cast judgement on someone’s journey, we are called to speak truth, in love, when the opportunity presents itself.  That’s just the message of Christ.  Submit to truth, love God, love your neighbor and help others along the way.

In our world, our homes are sacred places.  In the marketplace and in society, we can follow truth, but we don’t often make the rules.  For our faith, we are judged and walk through life on egg shells trying to stay true to our beliefs in a world of relativism.  Maybe you own a business where you can make the rules, but most of us do not.  Most of us, though, have a home to live in.  In this home, you are allowed to make the rules.  You decide what is right and what is wrong.  You enforce the rules and you declare them to your family and invited guests.

In that way, our homes are sacred special places – one of the very few places in this world where you can unapologetically live in truth without compromise and pressure.

As a Realtor, my journey started with the love of architecture and transitioned to the love of people.  Now, the love of people has morphed into the love of giving my clients a sacred place, a safe place, a place where you make the rules.  A place where, if you choose, you can live out your faith, and it is my highest hope that you find this baseline in the Word of God.

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