Myers Real Estate Services

Quit Lying and Wake Up To Your Mission – If You Choose To Accept It

Are you satisfied with your status quo life?

I mean, have you ever asked yourself if this is what life is all about? Love your family. Love God. Help others. Work hard. Rinse. Repeat. Die. Go to heaven.

These things are all very very good, but have you ever asked yourself if there is more? Being totally honest, haven’t you ever felt like you were created for something beyond the way you’re living?

As a follower of Christ, I am a believer in a mighty God and I look to his Holy Word for more info about this wild ride of life, life in a fallen world filled with sin that battles goodness. His Word tells us in Genesis, at the very beginning, that God knew us before the foundation of the earth. I have to believe that God created each of us for a specific purpose. His Word tells us that God created man to have dominion over the earth, but at that time, Adam and Eve had not yet eaten of the tree and exerted their free will that brought sin into this world. Living in a sin filled world was not the way it was designed to be, yet, here we are.

I haven’t yet completely found the freedom of knowing the specific reason that God created Steve Myers, but I have went all out to try and figure it out. Prior to meeting the group of people in this photo, I knew no one else who was wresting with this question, or if they were, were not honest enough to share it. I could not find people who ask these questions in my church, in my friend groups, in my social sphere – no where. For years this question lay dormant inside of me as I thought I was alone, like I was the only weirdo in this world who had these bizarre thoughts. That was until I found a rag tag group of wild men in Wake Up Warrior.

Aside from my family, this group of men has been the most influential group of people I have ever associated with. As rough and tough as this journey has been, they are a gift. We are not the same in our belief system. Truth be told, most of these men live at a much higher level than I do. They are advanced. We collide, argue and battle, but we do it “for” each other. Iron sharpens iron, right? You only challenge and call out each other if there is a deep level of love involved – and a deep desire to see these “brothers” expand and live a life that reflects God’s design for them.

The founder of Wake Up Warrior is Garrett White – he’s the guy in the middle of this photo. He is a warrior who’s been tagged 75% genius 25% lunatic. He’s a devoted follower of Jesus but he doesn’t look or talk like anyone in my bible studies. His banner is seeking truth, which begins with the concept of quit being a liar. Quit lying that everything is good, quit suppressing and hiding your insecurities and your sins, quit hiding and playing small, quit denying that you were designed with a purpose that you stuff away out of fear.

Then in this group, you have Forrest (and his wife Mendy), Phil and Chad – all brothers (and sister) in Christ. These four men were all part of a group of about 20 “brothers” that met in Dana Point, CA every month in 2022 to find truth and purpose. This photo was taken recently in Mendy and Forrest’s home in Birmingham, AL.

This work is very hard. We all have internal battles that are layered in deep deep levels of insecurity and lies, lies that we don’t even realize are lies because society and culture has indoctrinated us a belief system that is not based on truth. Layer on sin and the battle of good and evil, this work is not for the faint of heart. Sometimes I curse that day that I began this journey, because once you start, you can never turn back. The process requires you cross check everything in your belief system against truth, as outlined in God’s Word. It’s a process of dying to self over and over again. The work is insideously hard.

So, on those days that I do not curse the day I started this journey, I stand in gratitude – gratitude to God for connecting me with the wild men in this photo who desire to live in truth, never again settling for the status quo.

To the world, I now say: Wake up! Seek truth and quit lying. Do not play small. Live the life God designed you to live, and that all begins by seeking Him. If you are a follower of Christ, you are a daughter of a son of God, and he will work through you. So, do the work required to change your character to more closely resemble the character and heart of Jesus. Die to self and become more like the child of God you were designed to be. Our days are numbered, so make the most of this life while you still walk on this earth. The world needs you.

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